Spring: Forward
Sunday | March 13, 2011
Ten days ago we returned to Madison and the political turmoil that we had watched from a distance. In just a few weeks, the Governor and the Republican majorities in the legislature thrust through a new budget and a bill drastically limiting the rights of state employees to bargain collectively. The actions, taken abruptly and perhaps in violation of Wisconsin law, triggered huge, peaceable protest demonstrations–the biggest yesterday, with perhaps as many as 100,000 people participating. A timeline of developments is here. A skeptical account of the Governor’s rationale is here. His telephone conversation with Not David Koch, which hasn’t lost any of its entertainment value, is here.
Wisconsin State Animal: The Badger.
Saturday 12 March: A tractor cavalcade around the square.
The rally continued throughout the afternoon.
Photo from Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.
Go here for information about what may happen next.
Wisconsin State Motto: Forward.
Unless otherwise credited, photos by DB.
PS 13 March: See video coverage, including cow parade, here.