Home for the holidays
Tuesday | December 20, 2011
Pina. Photo Laurent Philippe.
DB here:
Kristin and I sometimes write about a film at a festival long before it reaches commercial distribution. As the year ends, we thought some readers might be interested in catching up with what we wrote about items now making the rounds of art theatres and film festivals. These are notes, not really analyses, but we try to introduce some ideas along with our judgments. All of these are films we admire considerably.
On Pina. Academy Award nominee for best documentary.
On Once Upon a Time in Anatolia. Turkey’s Foreign-Language Academy Award submission.
On Mysteries of Lisbon. Coming to DVD and Blu-ray in January. DB’s tribute to Raúl Ruiz is here.
On A Separation. Iran’s Foreign-Language Academy Award submission. DB also wrote on About Elly, an earlier film by Asgar Farhadi that deserves distribution, if only on DVD.
On This Is Not a Film. We wrote about Panahi’s perilous situation exactly a year ago here.
On The Turin Horse (above). Hungary’s Foreign-Language Academy Award submission. For more on Tarr, check the links on the right.
Coming up next week: Our annual year-end review of the ten best films of ninety years ago.
After the New Year starts, we’ll continue the series of entries about how digital cinema is changing film culture, with pieces on arthouse and repertory exhibition, film festivals, and home consumption of films. Plus observations on actors’ hands, film directing as problem-solving, some peculiarities of film reviewers, and other matters of weighty and not-so-weighty consequence.
In the meantime, we wish our readers the best for the holidays!
Meet Me in St. Louis.